Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Unfunfair

Marc and I took the train west to Coomera, a small countryside town 2 hours from Brisbane. We were met by Malcolm, a red-neck kiwi who personified the term 'Ferrel'. We were whisked away to a warehouse where we checked into our accomodation for the next 5 weeks, a filthy trailer home. Our first few days were spent at the 'base' where we carried out various tasks such as screwing hundred of light bulbs into batons, like the one pictured above.

Our tour began at Rockhampton. We travelled in a convoy of trucks overnight arriving in the farming town of 'Rocky' the following morning. We set up our 2 rides, The Haunted Mansion and the Mega Drop over the following 8 hours. The rides fold out of 3 truck trailers in a very labour intensive manner. Between 70 and 80 man-hours per ride. The sun was hot and the work was hard going. This was my first job in over 6 months, and one I wouldn't forget.

We did 5 shows in total. After 'Rocky' we headed for Mckay, Bowen, Ayr and finally Townsville. The work rate didn't let up, one work day lasting 22 hours.

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