Sunday, November 26, 2006

More Chilling

Tonsai Beach

We took the boat from Phi Phi to Krabi Town, the bus from Krabi to Ao Nang and finally the boat from Ao Nang to tonsai Beach. It was a long day filled with moving. Finding accomodation on Tonsai was no problem and it was cheap!

I think by this point Lucas and I both knew what we were looking for in a place. Tonsai had it. We needed beach, bar, and every other ingredient needed for a big session of chilling!

Tonsai was surrounded on both sides by these huge liemstone cliffs. As a result many people come here to rock-climb. Everyday we saw people hanging on for life half way up these huge faces.

Travelling is full of surprises. One surprise walked striaght up to us and said "Hey". Steve aka Captain America was staying next door to us. It was good to catch up with him again. He had stayed for a further two weeks on Koh Phangan while we were off diving. Heres a picture of the three of us doing what we did best. Chilling.

Tonsai was another fire-spinning hub. Everynight, without fail. I never tried it. I don't have the coordination for that type of thing. I'd only end up with 90% third degree burns. Watching was much easier.

I captured my photograph of lightning just after a sunset. I wasn't aiming for it I just caught it, by accident! Its not the most stunning picture of lightning you will ever see.

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